sisterscape sisterscape at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 19 08:45:50 PST 2003

I have not yet seen the IMAP log but when I just tried to view a
message I got a 'server is busy' popup. When I could finally close it,
this error message came up:

Warning: imap_fetchstructure(): Bad message number in
/home/httpd/vhosts/webmail/horde/imp/view.php on line 70

Perhaps this is the root of the problem I was having?  Or could this
possibly be a problem viewing mail from within the Juno program?  (Yah,
I know I should get a REAL ISP but I really do like their mail program
and I get ZERO, yes ZERO spam.) BTW, I had no problem viewing the
message simultaneouly through an IE window and new loggin.

Don't you just love a mystery??  TIA! 

--- Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> wrote:
> Quoting sisterscape <sisterscape at yahoo.com>:
> > I posted a question several days ago and have not gotten one
> response.
> Sometimes, unfortunately, it takes a while.  Sometimes,
> unfortunately,
> no one knows the answer.
> > I understood that this list was to help solve problems with Horde -
> I
> > could not find any other support option. If I am in the wrong
> place,
> > please let me know where I can go to get the fix for this problem:
> This is as good a place to start as any.  Until someone on this list
> asks you to look elsewhere.
> > Notice: (null)(): [ALERT] Fatal error: TOO MANY CONSECUTIVE
> > VIOLATIONS: in Unknown on line 0
> This is returned by your imap (or pop3) server.  Some imap clients
> (like
> MS OE) will continually send bad/bogus IMAP commands to an IMAP
> server when
> they receive non-fatal error returns on them (i.e. cause an infinite
> loop).
> So some IMAP servers have created this fatal error to reply with when
> they
> get continued requests after issuing non-fatal errors.
> So, I would guess something in Horde is sending bad IMAP commands to
> your server in sufficient number to generate this error.  Now the
> question
> is what Horde is doing wrong.  Have you found anything in the IMAP
> server
> log files?  Can you put a sniffer on the machine/network to see what
> it
> is sending?
> It is really hard to say what is causing this, unless you can either
> find
> a log entry, tell us how to reproduce the problem, or sniff the
> data/net to
> find out what is going on.
> --
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!
> -- 
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