[horde] Open issues (2x imp, 1x genie, 1x framework) with Horde?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Dec 16 20:30:13 PST 2003

Quoting "Jos W. van der Woude" <jos at veerkade.com>:

> I cannot create a new item in genie. It returns the following error:
> "unknown db error". In my postgresql log I see that genie tried to open a
> non- existing genie_wishes_seq table in the statement: SELECT NEXTVAL
> ('genie_wishes_seq'). At least in this case, it seems this sequence is not
> created automatically by pear DB ...

Seems like this is a known bug with the PEAR DB postgres implementation at the
moment. I'm going to try and look into it soon.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"I'm really... I'm not too fascinated by green food." - Average Joe

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