[horde] redirect.php problems

Jason King jason at freemotion.bb
Thu Jan 8 11:06:01 PST 2004

*	Horde: 2.2.4 
*	IMP: 3.2.2
*	PHP Version: 4.2.2 
Getting a problem when logging in, the log file is saying

Jan 08 14:55:14 HORDE [notice] [imp] Login success for
jason at virtual.org@virtual.org [] to {mail.virtual.org:110}
[on line 92 of "/var/www/html/horde/imp/redirect.php"]

but all I get is a blank page, with this url in the top
I am not using imap I am using pop3 from qmail.
Can some one please shed some light on this or some where for me to
start looking.

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