[horde] Progress with "You must configure a Category backend to use Horde." error

Bo Daley bo at tilda.com.au
Sun Jan 11 06:06:42 PST 2004

On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Shane Boulter wrote:

> Ok I've been reading the mailing list's regarding this error message and 
> I've gotten about as far as everyone else having this problem.  I did 
> however find out where and why the message is happening. I just don't 
> have enough php programming experience to fix it.

I think that the most likely cause of this problem is that you have a 
syntax error in your conf.php file somewhere. You might need to go through 
the conf.php file making sure you haven't missed anything (like a closing 
' mark maybe) anywhere inside the file.


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