[horde] turba contact list location?

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at sterndata.com
Wed Mar 10 18:41:56 PST 2004

	On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 20:13:57 -0600, "Galactic" <galactic at ev1.net>

>I'm moving data off one drive to another and I need to move the contact
>lists that they have created. I've moved the mail, just need to get
>their address books moved for them. How do I do this?

Are you storing the data in mysql? If so, you can dump the turba table on the
old computer, create an empty table on the new one, then use edit the output
from the first to insert the data into the new database.

I backup my MySQL tables with the command 

  mysqldump --all-databases > somefile

You'll find the stuff you need to reload the data in "somefile".

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