[horde] turba contact list location?

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at sterndata.com
Wed Mar 10 19:57:57 PST 2004

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 21:15:50 -0600, "Galactic" <galactic at galacticzero.net>

>Ok, the drive the database is currently on is not the active mysql
>database or drive. Can I just copy the db's in the old directory path
>and copy them into the same path on the new drive then just activate
>Drive structure (paths) are the same. Just upgrading from RH9 / Plesk 6
>to RHE / Plesk 7. I'm a newb when it comes to mysql so if there is a
>better way let me know.

No, because you won't get the grants right and the tables won't be properly
listed in the master database.

Using the file(s) in turba/scripts/drivers, create the empty MySQL tables.
Then, edit the dump file you created and find the lines that insert data into
the turba tables.  Put them in a new .sql file and use 

mysql -uhorde -phordedbpassword horde < newfile.sql 

to put your data back into the turba tables.

Welcome to the club. I knew squat about MySQL until I started using horde,
imp, and turba. Google is your friend. <smile>

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