[horde] TeliaSonera violating the GPL by using Horde-code?

Jonatan Heyman jonatan.heyman at telia.com
Sat Mar 20 08:07:29 PST 2004


I'm living in sweden and a while ago, sweden's biggest ISP 
(http://teliasonera.com), had some problem with their webmail webserver, 
which caused all PHP files' sourcecode to be available for everyone for 
about 15 minutes. I happened to go to their page at that very moment and 
I downloaded a part of their webmail system during this period of time. 
When I checked the code I stumbled across two GPL notes in the beginning 
of two files.


/ File: config/lang.php3
 $Author: robert $
 $Revision: $
 $Date: 1999/12/13 03:27:43 $
 IMP: Copywrite 1998 Charles J. Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
 This code is under the GNU Public License
 See the file COPYING in this directory/

And this:

/  File: config/mime.conf
  $Author: robert $
  $Revision: $
  $Date: 1999/12/13 03:27:43 $
  IMP: Copywrite 1998 Patrick C. Audley paudley at blackcat.ca
  This code is under the GNU Public License
  See the file COPYING in this directory

They are appearantly using GPL'ed code in their system, and they 
defenately haven't released the sourcecode for their webmail system. I 
believe this code belongs to the horde project and therefore I'm posting 
this message now. A friend of a friend of mine sent a mail to 
teliasonera asking them to release the sourcecode of their 
webmailsystem, but as far as I know they haven't replied nor released 
the sourcecode.

It's almost a year since I downloaded this code, but it seems like they 
haven't changed the files because the file size seem to be the same. You 
can see the filesize in kb on http://webmail.telia.com/config/ and if 
you check the CVS/Entries in the same directory you can see this:

/configure.php3/ Dec 13 03:27:43 1999//
/lang.php3/ Dec 13 03:27:43 1999//
/mime.php3/ Dec 13 03:27:43 1999//
/defaults.php3/1.2/Tue Mar 14 17:28:22 2000//

I'm not very familiar with CVS, but I do believe that this means that 
the last update was made in 1999-2000. lang.php3 and mime.php3 is the 
two files which I believe was stolen from horde.

I'll attach the files I managed to download to this message. If this is 
a GPL violation (and I can not think of how it could not be) I hope 
someone is able to enforce the GPL here. Besides TeliaSonera is a crappy 
ISP which I'm forced to use because I can not get high speed ADSL from 
any other ISP where I live.

/Jonatan Heyman
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