[horde] imp turkish

Alexis Pellicier alexis at nds.k12.tr
Thu Apr 15 03:15:16 PDT 2004

Sorry if that question had already been asked but I couldn't find any searchable 
archives for this list.

Here is my problem :

We're using horde 2.2.5 and imp 3.2.3. In french,english and turkish. While every 
thing is fine for french and english, we can't read incoming message while using 
turkish translation.

The message window opens shows normal headers but show the whole body of the 
message in an attachment call unnamed text/plain. (MIME type problem?)

If I switch the language to french or english I got the normal inline behavioure for the 
same message.

Any clue would be welcome.

Thanks.Alexis Pellicier
Lycée Notre Dame de Sion
Alexis.Pellicier at nds.k12.tr 

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