[horde] imp turkish

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Apr 15 03:27:36 PDT 2004

Zitat von Alexis Pellicier <alexis at nds.k12.tr>:

> Hi,
> Sorry if that question had already been asked but I couldn't find any 
> searchable
> archives for this list.
> Here is my problem :
> We're using horde 2.2.5 and imp 3.2.3. In french,english and turkish. 
> While every
> thing is fine for french and english, we can't read incoming message 
> while using
> turkish translation.
> The message window opens shows normal headers but show the whole body of the
> message in an attachment call unnamed text/plain. (MIME type problem?)
> If I switch the language to french or english I got the normal inline 
> behavioure for the
> same message.

This is a know problem. Turkish translations won't work Horde 2.x/IMP 3.x.


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