[horde] share Office docs like Group-Office??

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com
Wed Jun 2 07:55:14 PDT 2004

Adrian DeBoer wrote:
> I recently  came across an Open Source project called 
> - Group Office. http://www.group-office.com/
> I fooled around with the demo and it pretty impressive
> as    far as the Office sharing docs and web calendar
> that has shared calendars.  I am patiently awaiting
> the stable release of Kronolith that will have shared
> calendars...my  question is: Is there any plans to
> develop an app to share Office docs - that would
> totally make Horde the complete PIM/Groupware solution
>  and make Exchange and other projects look not as
> complete...

Excuse my ignorance, but what does such a project bring over putting the 
files on a network share ?  Are the file annotated, attached to specific 
project, etc.  Please be more specific about the features you would like 
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