[horde] Nag categoy colors

Markus Neuhuber markus at neuhuber.de
Fri Jun 25 05:06:04 PDT 2004

Hello List,


I finaly managed to get the new category system working – almost 

I can´t get any category - colors in nag 
 but I executed all of the
scripts in horde/scripts and in horde/nag/scripts.


To clearify my problem:

the Categorynames are ok – but I can´t get the colors – I consider the
colors quite useful – so I´d appreciate any help!


Thanks a lot!


-- another suggestions just comes up, so I´d like to discuss, if it
wouldn´t be cool to have this – as I consider it – >>great<<

that shows me the content of an entry in nag or mnemo for example, in
the horde “main”/”home” window.


Thank you!


Greetings to all horde-admins! >> great Project!



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