[horde] Apache eating alot of memory

Joerg Friedrich Joerg.Dieter.Friedrich at uni-konstanz.de
Sun Jul 18 22:28:27 PDT 2004


Ing. Rogelio Sevilla Fernandez schrieb am Sonntag, 18. Juli 2004 um 22:41:42 -0500:
> Im running Apache_1.3.31 with Mod_SSL, Mysql 4.0.13 and Php 4.3.4.
latest mysql is 4.0.20 and latest php is 4.3.8

both have security-bugs fixed, you really should update to these

> On solaris 8 Sparc.
> [...]
> And, i think the httpd servers keep that usage and its for that, they are
> eating all of my memory..

I don't think that the mysql socket is the reason for your memory leak.

I have 35 open mysql-sockets on our Webmail system (Solaris 9 Sparc) and
this is no problem.

On friday I also had a similar problem which was related to libmm.
Don't compile php4 against libmm.

You could try to figure out, what is using so much memory by running
pmap -x <pid of apache>
this should show you the address space of your apache

Jörg Friedrich

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