[horde] Documentation contradiction ??

Julián Muñoz jmunoz at softhome.net
Mon Aug 16 09:13:02 PDT 2004


There is something I don't understand in horde/docs/INSTALL :

  2. PHP 4.1.0 or above.

     PHP is the interpreted language in which Horde is written.
     You can obtain PHP at


     Follow the instructions in the PHP package to build PHP
     for your system. If you use Apache, be sure to build PHP
     as a library with the



  3. Additional PEAR Modules

     This method requires that your PHP has been compiled as a static
     binary. If you installed PHP as a webserver module, recompile PHP
     without the module option (for Apache, without --with-apache and
     --with-apxs) and do a 'make install'.


So, must php be compiled with or without --with-apxs ???

Horde (2.2.5) is not able to find pear, even if I configure well
php.ini with include_path=/usr/local/php4/lib/php, which is where php
(4.3.8) installs it by default.

So am I am getting crazy, or as it something to do with this contradictary
comments on the documentation ???

Many thanks,


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