[horde] Image path resolution

Richard Wallace rwallace at thewallacepack.net
Tue Aug 24 15:53:08 PDT 2004

Hey all,

We're implementing our web applications using the Horde architecture.  
One thing that our template designer guy has been fighting with is 
finding the correct URI for images.  I suggested he use the Horde::img() 
method and that works great when we need an actual image tag.  But 
another thing that the images are being used for is as backgrounds for 
the pages, tables, etc.

The best solution that we've come up with so far is to create a 
Horde::imgUrl() method which does practically the same thing as 
Horde::img() but returns only the URI to the image, not a complete 
path.  Is there a better way of doing this?

We will likely be having the same issue with trying to resolve the URIs 
to external javascript and css files.  Any suggestions on how best to 
handle these things?


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