[horde] Kronolit "require_once"

Horde User horde at aethra.com.br
Fri Sep 10 05:10:45 PDT 2004

Hi, guys!

I'm using HORDE-3.0-ALPHA.

I had configure kronolit and when a try to add a new event it crash.

The problems are in "require_once" in some arquives (I think).

First:  kronolith  => lib/Driver.php  on line 1624
    it has:  require_once 'Horde/UI/VarRenderer.php'
    I have changed to:  require_once HORDE_BASE .

Second: horde => lib/Net/IMSP/Utils.php on line 31
    it has:  require_once 'Net/IMSP.php'
    I have changed to:  require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Net/IMSP.php'

    After my change in IMSP.php I tried to add attendees. A new window open and
run, run, run, run and run. It don't stop run and don't show a new page...

Is this changes (1st, 2nd) right?

Is a better action that I get a new snapshot?

Thanks by your attention.

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