[horde] Another action for a click on a menu button

Mário Gamito gamito at netual.pt
Wed Sep 15 04:10:21 PDT 2004


I have this webmail with Horde/IMP and passwd.
I want to change the code, so that when one clicks on the lock icon in 
the menu to change the password, a popup windows opens, instead of the 
default behaviour.

I've already spend a day and a half of work around the code, and i give up.
Although i understand the code by itself, i couldn't find where and what 
to change to make it work.

Does anyone gives me a help on this ?
I'm realy desperated with a client waiting for his mail server shouting 
at me on the phone :(

Any help would be really appreciated.

Warm regards,
Mário Gamito

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