[horde] user registation with horde

alan walters alan at aillweecave.ie
Sun Oct 24 08:56:01 PDT 2004

from what i understand of the user registration feature is that it sends a 
tag to the admin (which is working) and then the admin accepts or rejects 
it(which is also working) after this the user gets added but the additional 
data that the user has added gets dumped.(with a db error)

On looking at the issue it seems hat this additional data should update into 
the turba address book(is this correct) the address book is set to write and 
read for all users

i am sorry for the vaugue explaination i am running 12/10/2004 head which is 
working perfectly for all modules. apart from this feature. I am running 
mysql as my source for turba and mysql for horde users.

look forward to any suggestions, the progress on this project is great i 
have been following this development for a least a year and this is my first 
problem that has confused me sufficently to have to ask. A creditto all the 


alan walters

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