[horde] Re: user registation with horde

alan walters alan at aillweecave.ie
Tue Oct 26 13:18:24 PDT 2004

these are the errors i am getting

Added 'nicky at eudaemony.org' to the system, but could not add additional 
signup information: DB Error: no such field.

  Successfully added 'nicky at eudaemony.org' to the system.

"alan walters" <alan at aillweecave.ie> wrote in message 
news:clmajf$d81$1 at sea.gmane.org...
> if (!function_exists('_horde_hook_signup_addextra')) {
> function _horde_hook_signup_addextra($userID, $extra)
> {
> global $conf;
> require_once 'DB.php';
> $_db = &DB::connect($conf['sql'], true);
> $fields = array();
> $values = array();
> foreach ($extra as $field => $value) {
> $fields[] = 'object_' . String::lower($field);
> $values[] = $_db->quote(String::convertCharset($value, NLS::getCharset(),
> $conf['sql']['charset']));
> }
> $fields[] = 'object_id';
> $values[] = $_db->quote($userID);
> $query = 'INSERT INTO radiowave_clients ( owner_id, ' . implode(', ',
> $fields) . ')';
> $query .= ' VALUES ( \'admin\', ' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
> $result = $_db->query($query);
> return DB::isError($result) ? $result : true;
> }
> }
> thanks i found the bit that it applies to. i see the first section of
> _horde_hook_signup_getextra  displays the fields and just have this in now
> but the bit that is failing with a db connect erroris the above example
> code.what would  the recommended proceedure be here for placing new users 
> in
> to the above table(which is a renamed turba database(note:the table works 
> as
> a shared address book at the moment)
> "Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org> wrote in message
> news:20041026104255.p07etmv074og8ows at jan.dip.ammma.net...
>> Zitat von alan walters <alan at aillweecave.ie>:
>>> from what i understand of the user registration feature is that it sends
>>> a
>>> tag to the admin (which is working) and then the admin accepts or 
>>> rejects
>>> it(which is also working) after this the user gets added but the
>>> additional
>>> data that the user has added gets dumped.(with a db error)
>> Without you giving us the exact error message, we can't help a lot.
>>> On looking at the issue it seems hat this additional data should update
>>> into
>>> the turba address book(is this correct) the address book is set to write
>>> and
>>> read for all users
>> The function that gets triggered after approving the signup is
>> _horde_hook_signup_addextra(). The function in hooks.php.dist is only an
>> example, you have to customize to your needs.
>> Jan.
>> -- 
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