[horde] Horde 3 Beta

Paul Herbosch paul at hypervision.be
Thu Nov 4 20:43:08 PST 2004

Paul Herbosch wrote:
> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Paul Herbosch <paul at hypervision.be>:
>>> After configuring everything thru the new configuration/administration
>>> console,
>>> I chose to let IMP handle the horde authentication.
>>> But when I login now, I don't have access to the horde administration
>>> console anymore.
>>> IMP works fine though.
>>> I added myself as an administrator.
>> But this is probably not the username that is used in Horde because you
>> either use a realm, or a vinfo hook, or login with your full email 
>> adress.
>> Jan.
> Bingo!
> a realm was configured, indeed.
> another, small question:
> every time I login I get: 'Last Login: Never'
> any idea where to look for this one?
> thank you very much.
> greetz, paul

Sorry 'bout this last post.
Forgot to set the preference container.

Please ignore.

greetz, paul

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