[horde] Re: today's cvs problems

Francesco Consumi consumi at minori.it
Sun Nov 7 00:20:54 PST 2004

>> - the login menu isn't anymore on center of screen, but to left, and
>> there is a "Adreess book" button.
> Patch?

Revert back to older page ? :-))

>> - The preview of mail still shows only one row of email body.
> Works fine for me for both, inline and tooltip previews. As Chuck already
> told you, you need to provide more information, there are about 5 different
> preview settings that can be combined arbitrarily.
ok, sorry:  I've set preview inline, with 250 chars. but at the end of 
cell, the text doesn't wrap at a new row as it did with older versions, 
but it seems to continue, hidden, above the width of cell.

thanks for support.

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