[horde] Can't add event, memo, or task

Rod Morison rod at morison.biz
Wed Nov 17 13:58:21 PST 2004

Found the (config) error: didn't set DataTree backend in Horde setup, though I
don't recall setting that previously.

All is good now.

Quoting Rod Morison <rod at morison.biz>:

> Just brought up cvs head this morning. Built horde database from scratch
> (mysql). I can save & delete Address Book entries (so my mysql login 
> seems ok),
> but can't create new events, tasks, or notes. (Whups seems happy, 
> too) There's
> no Add icon, and if I try to create a note from, e.g., the Note Summary block
> at Horde page, I get "horde Access denied saving note: No object requested."
> The only logfile entry on the "Save" action is
> Nov 17 09:55:42 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] Mnemo_Driver_sql::retrieve(): SELECT *
> FROM mnemo_memos WHERE memo_owner = 'rod' [on line 328 of
> "/srv/www/vhosts/morison.biz/horde/mnemo/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
> which seems reasonable.
> Also, I tried importing notes from a CSV and they landed in the table with no
> memo_owner field, though other fields appeared correct.
> The behavior is similar to an old posting,
> http://lists.horde.org/archives/mnemo/Week-of-Mon-20030714/000095.html, which
> didn't have a follow up.
> Rod
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