[horde] 3-4 thins in one, Horde HEAD today

Oliver Schalch schalch at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 12:17:44 PST 2004

Hi all. 

I'm using CVS -r HEAD from today:

1)  Time to time I get: Notice: Undefined variable: php_errormsg in
/usr/lib/php/XML/Parser.php on line 197

2) I tried to get this portal feature weather.com working for my
Country: Switzerland, I tried with different codes also I tought it
should be Zurich, SZ but it dont work. How I should entry my
destination there?
>  Services_Weather: Server data wrong or not available.

3) Not important, think thats a bug in the CVS, that my calender menu
is a bit buggy.

4) Im started to using all projects/framework with CVS, so I've done
normally # cvs co -r HEAD module, that will work nice.
Now if there are new files on the CVS, i just can run # cvs co -r HEAD
module again and it upgrades me all new files?

Thanks in advance

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