[horde] Rename the horde directory

J. de Jongh jdjongh at unet.nl
Wed Dec 15 02:04:12 PST 2004


I have installed horde and IMP. Working just fine.
But i want 2 configurations of Horde, with different colours and different 
So i rename it into 2 directory's:


That does not work.

When i go to the page (URL) then i get an blank page.
So i look into the soure. Each file has a var. (for example horde) 
Correct me if i'm wrong but this var. is set in the /lib/base.php file.

--- [ /lib/base.php] ---
@define('HORDE_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
What is an easy way to make this work with 2 differend configurations, what 
do i have to adjust?
And does anyone has done this before?

With kind regards,
J. de Jongh

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