[horde] Re: DataTree Errors with MS SQL Server

Alexander Maier Alexander.S.Maier at gmx.de
Wed Dec 15 06:43:10 PST 2004


I tried to examine the problem. There are different things written to the 
database. I started with completely clean databases - one mysql and one mssql 
server. I set up the databases horde_* with the create.mysql.sql (with the 
modifications for the mssql I described in the earlier posting (LONGTEXT to 
TEXT, BLOBs to IMAGEs...) Then I started with the page groups in horde.
All I did was clicking on the people icon on the right of "all groups". Then I 
created a new Group named "Developer". There I stopped for this test as after 
the next step "save group" horde will fail. I examined the databases and there 
are major differences.

First: The database horde_datatree_seq which was automatically created by horde 
has a field "vapor" in MSSQL which is not there in mysql.

Second: The database horde_datatree_seq has 5 entries in MSSQL (sequentially 1 
to 5) with a "vapor" entry of 0 while the mysql has only one entry: id=4

Third: In the database horde_datatree of MSSQL are 5 entries and in the mysql 
only 4. And here is the difference I think makes the problem of not finding the 
parent: in the 4th entry there is a parent ":5" where in the mysql there is a ":3".

I don't know why the databases differ, but group configuration does not work 
with mssql (at least for me ;)

Greets, Alex.

and for detailed information there is the database-content of the three 
horde_datatree* tables (also as attachment for better reading):

| datatree_id | attribute_name | attribute_key | attribute_value |

|           1 | email          |               | NULL            |
|           2 | 0              | action        | add             |
|           2 | 0              | who           | Administrator   |
|           2 | 0              | ts            | 1103119262      |

|           1 | email		    |               | NULL            |
|           2 | 0              | action        | add             |
|	         2 | 0              | who           | Administrator   |
|           2 | 0              | ts            | 1103119584      |


| datatree_id | group_uid     | user_uid      | datatree_name | 
datatree_parents | datatree_order | datatree_data | datatree_serialized | 
datatree_updated |

|           1 | horde.groups  | Administrator | Developer     | 
   |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 |   20041215150102 |
|           2 | horde.history | Administrator | 1             | :3:4 
   |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 |   20041215150102 |
|           3 | horde.history | Administrator | horde         | 
   |           NULL |               |                   0 |   20041215150102 |
|           4 | horde.history | Administrator | group         | :3 
   |           NULL |               |                   0 |   20041215150102 |

|           1 | horde.groups  | Administrator | Developer     | 
   |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           2 | horde.history | Administrator | 1             | :3:4 
   |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           3 | horde.history | Administrator | horde         | 
   |           NULL |               |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           4 | horde.history | Administrator | group         | :5 
   |           NULL |               |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           5 | horde.history | Administrator | horde         | 
   |           NULL |               |                   0 | <Binary>         |


| id |
|  4 |

| id | vapor |
|  1 |     0 |
|  2 |     0 |
|  3 |     0 |
|  4 |     0 |
|  5 |     0 |

-------------- next part --------------
| datatree_id | attribute_name | attribute_key | attribute_value |

|           1 | email          |               | NULL            |
|           2 | 0              | action        | add             |
|           2 | 0              | who           | Administrator   |
|           2 | 0              | ts            | 1103119262      |

|           1 | email		    |               | NULL            |
|           2 | 0              | action        | add             |
|	         2 | 0              | who           | Administrator   |
|           2 | 0              | ts            | 1103119584      |


| datatree_id | group_uid     | user_uid      | datatree_name | datatree_parents | datatree_order | datatree_data | datatree_serialized | datatree_updated |

|           1 | horde.groups  | Administrator | Developer     |                  |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 |   20041215150102 |
|           2 | horde.history | Administrator | 1             | :3:4             |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 |   20041215150102 |
|           3 | horde.history | Administrator | horde         |                  |           NULL |               |                   0 |   20041215150102 |
|           4 | horde.history | Administrator | group         | :3               |           NULL |               |                   0 |   20041215150102 |

|           1 | horde.groups  | Administrator | Developer     |                  |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           2 | horde.history | Administrator | 1             | :3:4             |           NULL | NULL          |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           3 | horde.history | Administrator | horde         |                  |           NULL |               |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           4 | horde.history | Administrator | group         | :5               |           NULL |               |                   0 | <Binary>         |
|           5 | horde.history | Administrator | horde         |                  |           NULL |               |                   0 | <Binary>         |


| id |
|  4 |

| id | vapor |
|  1 |     0 |
|  2 |     0 |
|  3 |     0 |
|  4 |     0 |
|  5 |     0 |

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