[horde] Re: DataTree Errors with MS SQL Server

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Dec 18 04:26:30 PST 2004

Zitat von Alexander Maier <Alexander.S.Maier at gmx.de>:

> TEXT, BLOBs to IMAGEs...) Then I started with the page groups in horde.
> All I did was clicking on the people icon on the right of "all 
> groups". Then I
> created a new Group named "Developer". There I stopped for this test as after
> the next step "save group" horde will fail. I examined the databases 
> and there
> are major differences.
> First: The database horde_datatree_seq which was automatically 
> created by horde
> has a field "vapor" in MSSQL which is not there in mysql.
> Second: The database horde_datatree_seq has 5 entries in MSSQL 
> (sequentially 1
> to 5) with a "vapor" entry of 0 while the mysql has only one entry: id=4

These two are coming from the DB package's sequence emulation that is
implemented differently in the various drivers. Is your DB package
up-to-date btw?

> Third: In the database horde_datatree of MSSQL are 5 entries and in the mysql
> only 4. And here is the difference I think makes the problem of not 
> finding the
> parent: in the 4th entry there is a parent ":5" where in the mysql 
> there is a ":3".

That's exactly the issue. Adding groups is logged to the history backend
where this error occurs. To make sure that we don't miss an error returned
from the database, I changed the history logging to return any potential
erros. Update and try again. If you still don't get a useful error message
we need to look further.


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