[horde] I'm new and i've got some questions....

horde at marcrisse.name horde at marcrisse.name
Mon Jan 24 04:59:56 PST 2005


i've got a horde installation which stores the user_prefs in a mysql table.

now i want to configure horde global by using the ***/config/prefs.php

my first problem is, that in my database there are values like:
pref_uid    pref_scope  ref_name   	        pref_value
xrisse      mnemo  	display_notepads  	a:1:{i:0;s:6:"xrisse";}
xrisse      horde  	default_share  	        xrisse
xrisse      nag         display_tasklists  	a:1:{i:0;s:6:"xrisse";}

now i want to set up the defauls for all users by editing the prefs.php.
but witch variable contains the username?
at the table there are some variables which are containing my userame hard

are there some variables like a:1:{i:0;s:6:"$USER";} or can i get the
actual ly username with getAuth()??

or how can i set these preferences globaly?

somebody at the #horde-channel told me something about serialized arrays,
but i'm an php newbee an i didn't understand anything...

thank you all for some help ;-)

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