[horde] Horde/IMP and smime

LALOT Dominique lalot at univ-aix.fr
Tue Mar 8 08:48:19 PST 2005

in smime.php line 212

        /* Try again without verfying the signer's cert */
        $result = openssl_pkcs7_verify($input, PKCS7_NOVERIFY, $output);

        if (($result === true) || ($result === -1)) {            
$ob->result = PEAR::raiseError(_("Message Verified Successfully but the 
signer's certificate could not be verified."), 'horde.warning'); }

So if it's true or false : success!!. You can get rid of the else :-)

I'm stucked anyway with the bug around flowed ( and have'nt been 
successfull getting the CVS!.. , don't understand if HEAD is horde 3.0)
 Call to undefined function:  getprintmode() in 
/var/www/horde-3.0.3/imp-h3-4.0.2/lib/MIME/Viewer/plain.php on line 84, 
And commenting that line leads to an excess of
the 2 lines at the begining:
-->Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Type: multipart/signed;^M
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64^M

So at the moment smime support is broken and we are not able to see 
smime mails.

Dominique LALOT 
Ingénieur Système Réseau CISCAM Pole Réseau
Université de la Méditerranée http://annuaire.univ-mrs.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot

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