[horde] Re: Weather Problems

Curt LeCaptain lecaptainc at infinitytechnology.com
Mon Mar 14 15:37:58 PST 2005

You can set per directory what you want enabled, so say my horde
installation was located in /var/www/horde, I'd add this to my apache

<Directory /var/www/horde>
     AllowOverride all
     php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen on

That enables url_fopen for files within /var/www/horde only.

>>> <mbydalek at mobilemini.com> 03/14/05 5:00 PM >>>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Curt LeCaptain [mailto:lecaptainc at infinitytechnology.com] 
> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 3:56 PM
> To: horde at lists.horde.org
> Subject: [horde] Re: Weather Problems
> Thanks a lot for the link, I've got fopen working via my 
> httpd.conf rather than via php.ini, so that only horde can 
> use fopen and nothing else, and all is well with the Weather 
> applet.  Thanks very much!

Out of curiosity, how did you get it working via. the httpd.conf?  From
I read it says that you are only able to modify this setting in the
due to the security ramifications.  I tried using a .htaccess file
before to
no avail, so I'd be gracious if you could explain.


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