[horde] registering users

Uwe Galle galle at domestic.de
Wed Mar 30 05:00:23 PST 2005


I am new to Horde and want to ask you for help how I can register new HORDE 
users. I installed HORDE 3.0.4 and PHP 4.3.10 on Windows NT and got the 
error message "OleMainTreadWndName: Apache.exe" when accessing index.php. 
test.php showed only green and yellow messages so that I can assume that the 
setup is OK. I got the same message with PHP 5.0.3.

Because I only found help for my question for HORDE 2.0 on 
http://www.horde.org/faq/admin/config/index.php#c31, I installed HORDE 
2.2.7. test.php diplayed less warnings than that of HORDE 3.0.4, so I can 
also assume that the setup is OK. index.php showed a login screen as well as 
problem.php. help.php offered no help topics at this point.

According to the FAQ I have to invoke horde/config/horde.php and 
horde/config/registry.php. But these scripts only display empty pages. Could 
anybody provide some more information? I assume that the registeration of 
users must work before I continue to install applications.

Thank you.

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