[horde] Re: LDAP Help

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Tue Apr 12 10:58:38 PDT 2005

Quoting Ryan Evans <revans at gie.com>:

> Hey all, ok running:
>    * Horde: 3.0.4
>    * Imp: H3 (4.0.2)
>    * Turba: H3 (2.0.2)
> I can go to "run turba test" and enter in mjy ldap information:
> server, port,base dn, filter
> It returns all my entries.  Now I configure the sources.php with this 
> information. doesn't return any records thru horde/imp.  I customized 
> the sources.php to use identical commands that I saw the test.php for 
> turba using (IE: server="ldap.gie.com" basedn="dc=gie,dc=com" 
> filter="cn=*" bind anonymously  )

 From what you are saying, this is almost certainly a configuration 
problem.  As silly as this may sound it has worked for me, I go to my 
horde/turba/config directory and cut an paste the configuration values 
in a command line ldapsearch and have always found the, usually silly, 
error that was there.  Of course YMMV.
Be sure to include all such as the following substituting for root - 
bind_dn - localhost, etc.

ldapsearch -x -h localhost -b root -D bind_dn -w password '(cn=*)'

Be sure and run a php -l sources.php also.

good luck,


> still nothing thru the "add book" in horde/imp.
> any suggestions?
> Ryan
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