[horde] Horde with Cyrus+MySQL

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Wed Jun 1 03:53:30 PDT 2005

Christoph Petersen <lists at cms.peterschen.de> rašė:

> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to get Horde with Cyrus and MySQL to run. But
> there's one problem left. In my Cyrus configuration I've mailboxnames
> wich are linked to domains. In my Horde conf I've selected the
> authdriver cyrsql an putted in the right tablenames for my setup.

I'm using Horde with Cyrus+MySQL driver and it works great with 
domain_name field.

> But the last option in my horde conf (domain_name table) doesn't gets to
> work. Or I'm thinking in the wrong direction. Because I want to create a
> webmailer for my server I want that horde takes the email adress as
> username.

AFAIK, Horde's cyrusql driver can only authentificate with "username" 
column in "accountuser" table. So you must specify only username 
without @domain.com. That's because you can't have the same username 
twice in mail database. I'm not Cyrus expert so correct me if i'm wrong.

> Does anyone knows a hint?
> =>
>    $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('cms0001');
>    $conf['auth']['checkip'] = true;
>    $conf['auth']['params']['cyradmin'] = 'cyrus';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['cyrpass'] = 'secret';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['imap_dsn'] = '{}';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['socket'] = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['protocol'] = 'unix';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['username'] = '<USER>';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['password'] = '<PASS>';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['database'] = 'cyrus';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['table'] = 'accountuser';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['username_field'] = 'username';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['password_field'] = 'password';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['domain_field'] = 'domain_name';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['encryption'] = 'crypt';
>    $conf['auth']['params']['folders'] = array('INBOX');
>    $conf['auth']['params']['unixhier'] = false;
>    $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'cyrsql';


  Vilius Šumskas
  LNK TV sistemų administratorius
  mob.: +370 614 75713

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