[horde] State of kolab2 integration and some other bits

David Irvine dirvine at hubworx.com
Thu Jun 2 11:02:31 PDT 2005

I understand Chuck and its good that you do that. I will attempt to
ensure I have resource from my clients and start doing this. In the
meantime is it possible to look at exponentcms and see if its worthwhile
making a horde bit off it - it does appear very good.

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting David Irvine <dirvine at hubworx.com>:
>> If I wanted some funded work done is there a way to post my request to a
>> list for tenders as such. All works would be lgpl or bsd where possible,
>> never proprietary so it should help horde.
> There isn't a formal bidding process for the consultants, and to be
> honest, we try not to compete against each other either. But you can
> email any/all of us, and/or consulting at horde.org.
> -chuck

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