[horde] ID:s for new lists, books, etc.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jun 28 14:54:05 PDT 2005

Quoting Joaquim Homrighausen <joho at webbplatsen.se>:

> In Kronolith, the dropdown selection box with calendars show usernames,
> including "user08". If I look at the default Mnemo-book, it says "John
> Sawyer" (the name configured for "user08" in the Horde preferences,
> personal identity). If I look at the default Nag-list, it says
> "user08", and if I look at Trean, the only created category is
> "user08's bookmarks".
> It seems like it's somewhat inconsistent .. ?

I don't see this and the code in all of the apps is consistent in how 
it creates default shares. I'd be curious if anyone else can reproduce 


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