[horde] cannot generate horde.conf; screen stays blank

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Fri Jul 8 11:39:02 PDT 2005

Quoting dick hoogendijk <dick at nagual.st>:

> On 07 Jul Edwin L. Culp wrote:
>> you can execute pear from the command line? Could you send me the
>> results of:
>> # pear list You have the following in /usr/local/etc/php.ini?
> ===================
> Archive_Tar      1.3.1   stable
> Auth             1.2.3   stable
> Auth_RADIUS      1.0.4   stable
> Auth_SASL        1.0.1   stable
> Cache            1.5.4   stable
> Console_Getopt   1.2     stable
> Crypt_CHAP       1.0.0   stable
> DB               1.7.6   stable
> Date             1.4.3   stable
> File             1.2.0   stable
> File_Passwd      1.1.5   stable
> File_SMBPasswd   1.0.2   stable
> HTTP_Request     1.2.4   stable
> Log              1.8.7   stable
> MDB              1.3.0   stable
> Mail             1.1.4   stable
> Mail_Mime        1.3.0   stable
> Net_POP3         1.3.6   stable
> Net_SMTP         1.2.6   stable
> Net_Socket       1.0.6   stable
> Net_URL          1.0.14  stable
> PEAR             1.3.5   stable
> SOAP             0.9.1   beta
> Services_Weather 1.3.1   stable
> XML_Parser       1.2.6   stable
> XML_RPC          1.3.1   stable
> XML_Serializer   0.16.0  beta
> XML_Util         1.1.0   stable

Dick, it looks as if your horde framework isn't installed or at least 
not in the  path that pear is aware of.  That could explain your 
problem.  Although I've never tried to install without the framwork so 
I have no first hand knowledge, no do I really want to have, of what 
the results are.  When you do the pear list it should pick up all the 
horde framework, or at least it does here.

Good luck, I hope this does it.


P.S.  part of my pear list
INSTALLED PACKAGES, CHANNEL PEAR.PH Horde_SQL            0.0.1    alpha
=================================== Horde_Scheduler      0.0.1    alpha
PACKAGE              VERSION  STATE Horde_Search         0.0.1    alpha
Archive_Tar          1.3.1    stabl Horde_Secret         0.0.1    alpha
Auth_SASL            1.0.1    stabl Horde_Serialize      0.0.1    alpha
Console_Getopt       1.2      stabl Horde_SessionHandler 0.0.1    alpha
Crypt_CHAP           1.0.0    stabl Horde_SessionObjects 0.0.1    alpha
DB                   1.7.6    stabl Horde_Share          0.0.2    beta
Date                 1.4.3    stabl Horde_Template       0.0.1    alpha
File                 1.2.0    stabl Horde_Text_Filter    0.0.1    alpha
File_CSV             0.1.0    beta  Horde_Timer          0.0.1    alpha
File_PDF             0.1.0    beta  Horde_Token          0.0.2    beta
HTML_Template_IT     1.1      stabl Horde_Tree           0.0.1    alpha
HTTP_Request         1.2.4    stabl Horde_UI             0.0.1    alpha
Horde_Auth           0.0.1    alpha Horde_Util           0.0.1    alpha

much more would follow but I cut it since this is just informational.

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