[horde] side bar not found or error in authentication

Abuthiab Motaz info at cormagis.com
Thu Jul 21 03:33:35 PDT 2005

I have installed these applications

Horde: 3.0.4
Imp: H3 (4.0.3)
Ingo: H3 (1.0.1) 
Jonah: 0.0.2 
Nag: H3 (2.0.1)
Turba: H3 (2.0.2)

My installation directory is 

in the httpd.conf I have this 
Alias /horde /usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/

<Directory "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde">
 AllowOverride None
 Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
        php_admin_flag safe_mode off
        php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /tmp
        php_admin_value open_basedir none

Here is my horde conf file
$conf['debug_level'] = E_ERROR;
$conf['max_exec_time'] = 0;
$conf['use_ssl'] = 2;
$conf['server']['name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$conf['server']['port'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$conf['compress_pages'] = true;
$conf['umask'] = 077;
$conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
$conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
$conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
$conf['cookie']['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$conf['cookie']['path'] = '/horde';
$conf['sql']['persistent'] = false;
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
$conf['sql']['username'] = 'horde';
$conf['sql']['password'] = '**********;
$conf['sql']['port'] = 3306;
$conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
$conf['sql']['database'] = 'horde';
$conf['sql']['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
$conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
$conf['auth']['admins'] = array('admin');
$conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application';
$conf['auth']['checkip'] = true;
$conf['signup']['allow'] = false;
$conf['signup']['approve'] = true;
$conf['signup']['preprocess'] = false;
$conf['signup']['queue'] = false;
$conf['log']['priority'] = PEAR_LOG_NOTICE;
$conf['log']['ident'] = 'HORDE';
$conf['log']['params'] = array();
$conf['log']['name'] = '/tmp/horde.log';
$conf['log']['params']['append'] = true;
$conf['log']['type'] = 'file';
$conf['log']['enabled'] = true;
$conf['log_accesskeys'] = false;
$conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'horde_prefs';
$conf['prefs']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['datatree']['params']['table'] = 'horde_datatree';
$conf['datatree']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
$conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['group']['driver'] = 'datatree';
$conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 1800;
$conf['cache']['params']['dir'] = Horde::getTempDir();
$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'file';
$conf['token']['driver'] = 'none';
$conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
$conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_args'] = '-oi';
$conf['mailer']['type'] = 'sendmail';
$conf['vfs']['params']['vfsroot'] = '/tmp';
$conf['vfs']['type'] = 'file';
$conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'none';
$conf['problems']['email'] = 'root at localhost';
$conf['problems']['email'] = 'root at localhost;
$conf['menu']['always'] = true;
$conf['menu']['links']['help'] = 'all';
$conf['menu']['links']['options'] = 'authenticated';
$conf['menu']['links']['problem'] = 'authenticated';
$conf['menu']['links']['login'] = 'all';
$conf['menu']['links']['logout'] = 'authenticated';
$conf['hooks']['username'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['preauthenticate'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['postauthenticate'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['authldap'] = false;
$conf['weatherdotcom']['partner_id'] = '';
$conf['weatherdotcom']['license_key'] = '';
$conf['fortune']['exec_path'] = 'http://xoap.weather.com/search/search';
$conf['kolab']['enabled'] = false;

and here is my registry.php

if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
    $webroot = strstr(dirname(__FILE__), '/' . array_shift(preg_split(';/;', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)));
    if ($webroot !== false) {
        $webroot = preg_replace(';/config$;', '', $webroot);
    } else {
        $webroot = '/horde';
} else {
    $webroot = '/horde';

$this->applications['horde'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
    'webroot' => $webroot,
    'initial_page' => 'imp/login.php',
    'name' => _("Horde"),
    'status' => 'active',
    'templates' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates',
    'provides' => 'horde'

and here is my imp conf.php file

$servers['imap'] = array(
    'name' => 'IMAP Server',
    'server' => 'localhost',
    'hordeauth' => false,
    'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
    'port' => 143,
    'folders' => '',
    'namespace' => '',
    'maildomain' => ereg_replace("^www.","",$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]),
    'smtphost' => 'localhost',
    'smtpport' => 25,
    'realm' => ereg_replace("^www.","",$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]),
    'preferred' => '',
    'dotfiles' => false ,
    'hierarchies' => array()

I use uw-iamp server and send mail

When I login to horde 
i see this in the horde log file
Jul 21 12:36:13 HORDE [notice] [imp] Login success for admin at mydomain  [] to {localhost:143} [on line 150 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/imp/redirect.php"]
Jul 21 12:36:13 HORDE [notice] [imp]  [on line 31 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/imp/login.php"]
Jul 21 12:36:14 HORDE [error] [nag] DB Error: insufficient data supplied: SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id = c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND ((a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id [on line 987 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Jul 21 12:36:14 HORDE [error] [nag] DB Error: insufficient data supplied: SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id = c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND ((a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id [on line 241 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/nag/lib/Nag.php"]
Jul 21 12:36:14 HORDE [error] [nag] DB Error: insufficient data supplied: SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id = c.datatree_id LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a2 ON a2.datatree_id = c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND (((a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?)) AND a2.attribute_name = ? AND a2.attribute_value = ?)  AND a1.datatree_id = a2.datatree_id GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id [on line 987 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Jul 21 12:36:14 HORDE [error] [nag] DB Error: insufficient data supplied: SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id = c.datatree_id LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a2 ON a2.datatree_id = c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND (((a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?)) AND a2.attribute_name = ? AND a2.attribute_value = ?)  AND a1.datatree_id = a2.datatree_id GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id [on line 241 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/nag/lib/Nag.php"]
Jul 21 12:36:14 HORDE [error] [nag] DB Error: insufficient data supplied: SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id = c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND ((a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id [on line 987 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Jul 21 12:36:14 HORDE [error] [nag] DB Error: insufficient data supplied: SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id = c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND ((a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_value \& ?))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id [on line 241 of "/usr/local/web20/webcp-5.6/web/horde/nag/lib/Nag.php"]

The problems in in the side bar
I login successfuly to imp, i can send and read my email
but I cant see the side bar in firefox, it gives me a blank space
and in IE it gives me filenot found

and idea ? I am loosing my mind, I tried to search in google, I installed horde from cvs, but it gives me the same problem
I have about 10 domains in this server , 
thats all


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