[horde] Country Lookup

Aleksandar Milivojevic alex at milivojevic.org
Thu Jul 21 05:04:37 PDT 2005

bronto at csd-bes.net wrote:
> I downloaded a new copy and uploaded it to my server again, but there 
> was no difference.  It's sure hard to read email with all those errors. 
>   Is there some way to disable use of GeoIP until it gets fixed?

The same copy works perfectly for me.  Have you uncompressed it?  I 
think you need to uncompress it first in order to use it (well, at least 
I uncompressed mine).

If all else fails, you can always disable it in Horde's configuration 
file by either directly editing horde/confing/conf.php or doing it from 
the web interface.

BTW, while we are at it, for my domain (milivojevic.org) I don't see any 
flag displayed.  There are two MX records for it, primary resolving to 
IPv6 address and secondary resolving to IPv4 address.  The IPv4 address 
is in GeoIP database.

Not sure if I did something wrong when configuring my domain, or if 
Horde is not trying hard enough (checking all addresses MX records point 
to for a match, starting with the one with higest priority and working 
towards the one with lowest priority).

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