[horde] Single Sign On

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 01:20:17 PDT 2005

On 8/17/05, Ben G <bg_viper at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have written an extensive PHP page that also has the Horde system in it. When someone Loges into
> the Main site I would like to pass the Information to Hord to activate the Imap connections etc,
> without requireing another login when they click on the Mail link.
> Does anyone know what script I can pass the username and password (and what format) or can at

I've just posted a description of how I transfer
username/password(/ftp server name)
to Horde from a java web application through post. From the horde side
it's just another
script "post_login.php" (based on scripts/get_login.php) so the fact
that I use Java
in the other application shouldn't be of concern to you. Maybe try to
lookup in the
archives from the last few days.

Hope this helps,


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