[horde] Adressbook broken

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Aug 31 04:59:23 PDT 2005

Zitat von Alexander Tamm <alex at hanken.fi>:

> The address book in horde seems totally broken to me and my users. Horde
> version is 3.0.4 and I have tested both turba version 2.0.2 and 2.0.3.
> We are able to add new contacts and list them with "browse", but all
> searches have empty results. Also, clicking the address book while
> composing a message is totally useless, since it only contains two
> entries. One with both name and email "D" and one with both name and
> email "S" ??? What is going on and what have I done wrong???

This is an uncatched error somewhere. Check your log files.


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