[horde] Horde portal layoutand kronolith hours format.

Kevin M. Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Tue Sep 20 08:16:50 PDT 2005

Quoting Marco Maiani <m.maiani at comune.scandicci.fi.it>:

> I'd like to set a default horde portal layout for all the people using
> horde in my office so I have set my options for horde layout and then I
> have taken them from the database table "horde_prefs" and I have put the
> field "pref_value" in the file "/horde3/config/prefs.php" as I found on
> the horde mailing list archives.
> Eveything works very well except the 24 hours format for Kronolith. I
> set in my portal layout the 24 hours format and I have my kronolith
> working with this format but after I changed the prefs.php the other
> people have always the 12 format with AM and PM.
> May I fix it without going on all accounts to modify them singularly?

Set the value of 'twentyFour' in your horde/config/prefs.php.  That preference
determines the hour format displayed in the month and summary Kronolith 
Your portal layout preference only determines which blocks are displayed, and


Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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