[horde] weather.com block issues in HEAD

Kevin M. Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Tue Oct 4 06:19:07 PDT 2005

Quoting Dan Brown <dan at familybrown.org>:

> I just updated my CVS HEAD checkout this morning, and I'm seeing an 
> oddity with the display of the weather.com block in the Horde portal. 
>  The "header" (the part that indicates the current conditions, 
> sunrise, sunset, etc.) is repeated several times--a total of 8 times 
> in a three-day forecast.  It doesn't seem to make any difference if 
> I've chosen the basic or extended forecast.  I'm not seeing anything 
> relevant in the apache error log or the system log.  What else can I 
> check on this?

Guess its not just me - I thought it was just something that I bolluxed in my
preferences.  Try this patch - it looks like there was a small typo in 
the last

Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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