[horde] Weather.com suggestion

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Nov 3 11:50:43 PST 2005

Quoting RüdigerStark <mail at stark-online.info>:

> i just installed the Metar Weather and the WeatherDotCom block and i
> encountered a little problem. If pear Cache isn't insalled, the block
> doesn't display at all. No errormessage at all, no logfile notice.
> Nothing. Since the Cache package isn't a requirement for
> Services_Weather AND isn't listed on the test.php page from Horde, it
> took me 2 days to figure this out. I recomment to include PEAR Cache on
> the test.php page.

Ideally Services_Weather would ensure that it worked without Cache _or_ 
mark it as a dependency, but since we already check for the existance 
of Services/Weather.php in the block, I added a check for Cache.php as 


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