[horde] UTF-8 Charset problem in horde

Pol pol at techinfo.be
Wed Nov 16 03:21:34 PST 2005


Where I work I decided to switch in utf-8 for a better compaptibility
between macintosh (classic and X), windows and linux and of course

I'm using gentoo and I followed the utf8 conversion tutorial

I have browsed the database of horde with phpmyadmin and saw that some
words where badly displayed.

You can see a screenshot of the browsing in phpmyadmin here:

Now see it in horde:

As you can see, I have created some categories with accents... it's well
displayed in horde but not in phpmyadmin.

This is my configuration file of phpmyadmin, I choose utf-8 as charset
like you can see it on line 431

Mysql is also configured to use utf-8, this is the configuration
file /etc/mysql/my.cnf:

You can see here a schema of the tables:

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong, I just want accents to be well
diplayed in horde AND phpmyadmin.

>From where could that come ?

Thanks in advance.

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