[horde] Horde missing everywhere?

Alex0801 (sent by Nabble.com) lists at nabble.com
Tue Nov 22 22:08:13 PST 2005

Hi @ all,
i installed horde in my system. Works great. But i changed something, and now the "Horde" Link in the meu on the left side is missing. It should be at the 1st position in the menu (like this: http://www.horde.org/horde/screenshots/horde-head.png). But on my system it's now missing.

Also i cannot modify the prefs of horde. I have to go to the HOME link, click on Options and then i can modify it. If i'm in IMP and clik within IMP on "Options" there is no entry in the "Show options for" drop-down-box for horde.

The 3rd thing is: In the Horde-Prefs i can set up which module i whish to see if i logon.. Normaly this is the portal-site of horde where I put all the things on that are important for me. But If i steu once Calendar, the entry "Horde" for the initial application is missing.

I think all the problems have the same conflict... But where to search?

kind regards

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