[horde] Problem using poppassd as backend....

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Nov 28 07:55:13 PST 2005

Zitat von Suraj Jadhav <sunracesuraj at rediffmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I have configured popassd and its working fine. I am able to change 
> passwords from passwd/horde. There is problem here...if I am using a 
> password which fits in requirements of popassd then the password 
> change happens, if the password is not fitting in requirements of 
> poppassd still horde/passwd says that password have been changed - 
> but in fact the poppassd has denied password change saying 
> following...Has any one seen anything like this or am I doing 
> anything wrong? Is it possible to capture poppassd error and display 
> it to the user?
> When password change dose not work....
> [root at weboffice tmp]# telnet 106
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.localdomain (
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 200 poppassd v1.8.5 hello, who are you?
> user suraj
> 200 Your password please.
> pass Worthatry3
> 200 Your new password please.
> newpass letmein
> 500 PAM error: BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
> 500 Server error, password not changed
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> When password change works...
> [root at weboffice tmp]# telnet 106
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.localdomain (
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 200 poppassd v1.8.5 hello, who are you?
> user suraj
> 200 Your password please.
> pass Worthatry2
> 200 Your new password please.
> newpass Worthatry3
> 200 Password changed, thank-you.

Looking at the code this should be catched. What Passwd version are you using?

And btw, there is a separate mailing list for Passwd questions which 
I'm Cc'ing.


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