[horde] Getting rid of Options menus for apps with no options

Barry Flanagan barryf-lists at flanagan.ie
Mon Dec 5 15:37:03 PST 2005

Jan Schneider wrote:

>Zitat von Barry Flanagan <barryf-lists at flanagan.ie>:
>>In the latest Horde, how can I make certain apps NOT show up under the
>>Options menu - for example, vacation, spam, and passwd have no user
>>set-able options. It is causing confusion and I would like the icons to
>>not show if there are no options to be had.
>You can't. But a clean patch that fixes this without degrading 
>performance would be great.

I could do a clean patch by adding a registry param 'options' => true, 
and 'options' => false, for each app, and then have 
services/portal/sidebar.php check for this:

        /* Get a list of configurable applications. */
        $prefs_apps = array();
        foreach ($registry->applications as $application => $params) {
            if ($params['status'] == 'heading' ||
                $params['status'] == 'block' ||
+                $params['options'] == false ||
                !file_exists($registry->get('fileroot', $application))) {

Would this be of any use?



-Barry Flanagan

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