[horde] horde config fails; apache log errors

Information, Jason S. Bailey info at jason.bailey.name
Sun Dec 25 22:26:58 PST 2005

I still can't generate a horde configuration, but digging through my 
vhost logs, I found this:

[Sun Dec 25 11:18:57 2005] [error] [client x.x.x.x] client denied by 
server configuration: /data/web/webmail/horde/admin/setup/config.php, 
referer: http://mail.domain.com/horde/admin/setup/config.php
[Sun Dec 25 11:19:59 2005] [error] [client x.x.x.x] client denied by 
server configuration: /data/web/webmail/horde/login.php

The x.x.x.x IP is my workstation IP, and /data/web/webmail is the 
documentroot for the mail.domain.com vhost.

So it appears it is a server issue. what setting could/would cause such 
an issue?

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