[horde] Apache Proxy with Horde/Imp?

Josh Trutwin josh at trutwins.homeip.net
Thu Dec 29 10:55:14 PST 2005

Mike Dorman wrote:
> Why don't you just use an alias for each site the maps back to where your
> Horde installation is?  I've been using this scheme for virtual hosting for
> some time, and it works well:
> <VirtualHost x.y.z.x:80>
> 	ServerName mail.domainx.com
> 	Alias / /path/to/horde
> </VirtualHost>

Hmm - I tried that:

<VirtualHost x.y.z.x:80>
     ServerName mail.domainx.com
     Alias / /usr/local/source/web/horde/h3

ls -ald /usr/local/source/web/horde/h3

drwx------  26 nobody nobody 832 Dec 28 10:30 

When I try to access http://mail.domainx.com though I get redirected 
to http://mail.domainx.com// and a 403 error:

You don't have permission to access // on this server.


I was getting close with the ProxyPass setup but it required some 
mangling of registry.php that I don't care for so this would be a nice 
solution if we can get it working.



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