[horde] Perms.php

Mark M myhorde at nbiss.com
Tue Jan 31 21:33:35 PST 2006

I got into the same problem and solution is pretty simple:
in Perms.php line 341 you have

   return $perms = &new Perms();

replace it with :
             $perms =  &new Perms();
             return $perms;

Do the same in all other places..  There is probably a better solution, 
but I'm compete idiot in PHP and this just worked fine.

Benjamin Woods wrote:

>hey guys, can someone help me with some errors i am getting with my horde
>when i goto the front page i get these errors:
>Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
>/home/httpd/html/horde/lib/Horde/Perms.php on line 341
>Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
>/home/httpd/html/horde/lib/Horde/Auth.php on line 1168
>Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
>(output started at /home/httpd/html/horde/lib/Horde/Perms.php:341) in
>/home/httpd/html/horde/index.php on line 51
>thanks in advance
>ps - this is the output from my test.php:
>Horde Version
>Horde: 3.0.9
>Horde Applications
>Horde: 3.0.9
>PHP Version
>View phpinfo() screen
>View loaded extensions
>PHP Version: 5.1.1
>PHP Major Version: 5.1
>PHP Minor Version: 1
>PHP Version Classification: release
>Wow, a mystical version of PHP from the future. Let dev at lists.horde.org
>know what version you have so we can fix this script.
>PHP Module Capabilities
>Ctype Support: Yes
>DOM XML Support: Yes
>FTP Support: Yes
>GD Support: Yes
>Gettext Support: Yes
>Iconv Support: Yes
>IMAP Support: Yes
>LDAP Support: No
>Mbstring Support: Yes
>Mcrypt Support: No
>MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): No
>The fileinfo PECL module or the mime_magic PHP extension (see below) will
>most likely provide faster MIME Magic lookups than the built-in Horde PHP
>magic code. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install
>PECL/PHP extensions.
>MIME Magic Support (mime_magic): Yes
>MySQL Support: Yes
>OpenSSL Support: Yes
>PostgreSQL Support: No
>Session Support: Yes
>XML Support: Yes
>Zlib Support: Yes
>Miscellaneous PHP Settings
>magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
>memory_limit disabled: Yes
>safe_mode disabled: Yes
>session.use_trans_sid disabled: Yes
>session.auto_start disabled: Yes
>File Uploads
>file_uploads enabled: Yes
>upload_max_filesize: 2M
>post_max_size: 8M
>Required Horde Configuration Files
>config/conf.php: Yes
>config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
>config/nls.php: Yes
>config/prefs.php: Yes
>config/registry.php: Yes
>PHP Sessions
>Session counter: 1
>To unregister the session: click here
>PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path): 
>PEAR: Yes
>Recent PEAR: Yes
>Mail: Yes
>Mail_Mime: Yes
>Log: Yes
>DB: Yes
>Net_Socket: Yes
>Date: Yes
>Auth_SASL: No
>Horde will work without the Auth_SASL class, but if you use Access Control
>Lists in IMP you should be aware that without this class passwords will be
>sent to the IMAP server in plain text when retrieving ACLs.
>HTTP_Request: Yes
>File: Yes
>Net_SMTP: No
>Make sure you are using the Net_SMTP module if you want "smtp" to work as
>a mailer option.
>Services_Weather: Yes
>XML_Serializer: Yes

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