[horde] View an external web page

Tom Evans tevans at tachometry.com
Mon Feb 20 10:23:33 PST 2006

Sorry about the mixup - looks like I had a version conflict with my 
initial patch. I have updated the ticket with a diff from the current 
CVS HEAD (1.23).

To adjust the height of the external web page portal block, you can use 
the layout configuration page to set a new "height" parameter. Note 
that it is empty by default, so you won't see any change in behavior 
until you explicitly set the parameter.

Quoting Per olof Ljungmark <peo at intersonic.se>:

> The patch applied to iframe.php,v 1.18 but changed nothing in the
> appearence, still got very small height. Perhaps it only works with
> HEAD? I'll investigate.. tried v1.20 but still the same, maybe other
> files needs change as well.

>>  http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3504

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