[horde] Sweating Bullets!! Help!

Chris grooveman at comcast.net
Tue Mar 28 18:57:54 PST 2006

Hi Gary,

I wouldn't say it fixed it.  It just made the errors go away.  They
symptoms persist.  Maybe the rrors had nothing to do with the
symptoms... I don't know.

I restored the db from a system backup.  I untarred everything in
/var/mysql.  I have done this from data 2 and 3 days old.  Well before
any issues had arisen (this afternoon).

When I run ps -ax |grep mysql:

2956 C0- I      94:13.02 /usr/local/libexec/mysqld --socket
/var/www/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock -u _mysql

Here is everything from a "top":

Memory: Real: 101M/158M act/tot  Free: 333M  Swap: 0K/1024M used/tot

 2956 _mysql     2    0   40M   17M sleep    poll    94:17  0.00% mysqld
15988 root       2    0 1264K 1908K sleep    select   1:06  0.00% sendmail
 9282 www        2    0 2216K 5356K sleep    select   0:54  0.00% httpd
30441 _vilter    2    0  984K  940K sleep    poll     0:33  0.00%
13120 root       2    0  592K  676K sleep    select   0:19  0.00% cron
12159 _vilter    2    0   13M   14M sleep    poll     0:16  0.00% clamd
 5357 root       2    0   19M   16M idle     netcon   0:09  0.00% perl
 4365 root       2    0   19M   16M idle     netcon   0:09  0.00% perl
28320 _ntp       2    0  452K  624K idle     poll     0:09  0.00% ntpd
20830 root       2    0   19M   16M idle     netcon   0:08  0.00% perl
15333 root       2    0   19M   16M idle     netcon   0:08  0.00% perl
17354 root       2    0   19M   16M idle     netcon   0:07  0.00% perl
11681 _syslogd   2    0  416K  548K sleep    poll     0:06  0.00% syslogd
20329 root      18    0   18M   17M idle     pause    0:03  0.00% perl
20231 root       2    0  544K 1120K idle     select   0:01  0.00% sshd
 9989 root       2    0 3152K 2160K idle     netio    0:00  0.00% sshd
31492 chris      2    0 3124K 1428K sleep    select   0:00  0.00% sshd
 7538 root       2    0  244K  784K idle     netcon   0:00  0.00% saslauthd
30043 root       2    0  388K  524K idle     netio    0:00  0.00% syslogd
16992 root       2    0  504K  620K idle     poll     0:00  0.00% ntpd
    1 root      10    0  292K  320K idle     wait     0:00  0.00% init
16794 root       2    0  416K  560K idle     select   0:00  0.00% inetd
 7346 root      18    0  492K  516K idle     pause    0:00  0.00% ksh
32721 root      28    0  400K 1060K onproc   -        0:00  0.00% top
 9561 root       3    0  556K  496K idle     ttyin    0:00  0.00% ksh
11022 root      18    0  244K  364K idle     lockf    0:00  0.00% saslauthd
26713 root      18    0  244K  364K idle     lockf    0:00  0.00% saslauthd
23500 root      18    0  244K  364K idle     lockf    0:00  0.00% saslauthd
29341 www        2    0 2320K 2176K idle     netcon   0:00  0.00% httpd
12603 www        2    0 2320K 2036K idle     netcon   0:00  0.00% httpd
25813 www        2    0 2324K 2040K idle     netcon   0:00  0.00% httpd
 4036 chris     18    0  592K  468K idle     pause    0:00  0.00% ksh
21072 www        2    0 2216K  888K idle     netcon   0:00  0.00% httpd
11977 root       3    0  372K  532K idle     ttyin    0:00  0.00% getty
 8635 root       3    0  256K  532K idle     ttyin    0:00  0.00% getty
16707 root       3    0  204K  536K idle     ttyin    0:00  0.00% getty
19082 root       3    0  180K  520K idle     ttyin    0:00  0.00% getty
20946 root       2    0  736K  632K idle     poll     0:00  0.00%
14499 www        2    0 2216K  888K idle     netcon   0:00  0.00% httpd
26216 www        2    0 2216K  904K idle     netcon   0:00  0.00% httpd
25290 root      18    0  244K  364K idle     lockf    0:00  0.00% saslauthd

Thanks for your help.


Gary W. Smith wrote:

>I typically get error in my apps when MySQL is not running, but appears
>to be.  You said you restored the data back to MySQL and it fixed it.
>But you say it breaks now.  Are you saying that the old data becomes bad
>or are you putting the bad data back in place?
>If it's the later, how are you doing it?  Are the tables recovered (or
>in place) all owned by mysql?
>What mysql processes do you see when you run ps?
>Gary Wayne Smith
>>Mar 28 20:03:21 HORDE [emergency] [horde] DB Error: connect failed:
>>[nativecode=Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
>>'/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)] ** Array [on line 1329 of
>>Mar 28 20:03:39 HORDE [emergency] [horde] DB Error: connect failed:
>>[nativecode=Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
>>'/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)] ** Array [on line 1329 of
>>Mar 28 20:03:39 HORDE [emergency] [horde] DB Error: connect failed:
>>[nativecode=Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
>>'/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)] ** Array [on line 1329 of

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